James turns 4 ♥


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Toy Story adventure

Joe and I took James to see the re-release of Toy Story and Toy Story 2 this past weekend at the movies. We were kind of nervous about taking him because he had been sick with a fever and had also just got his flu shot so he really wasn't 100% healthy. He also had only been to a movie theater one other time and it didn't go to well. Joe and I had been preparing him for a week so that he knew he had to be on his best behavior (yeah right)lol. So we get there and people are already waiting. We went to the first showing since it was a double feature, we figured the earlier we are there the better. Lucky by the time they opened the doors we were the first ones to buy our tickets. We got our popcorn and drinks and went to take our seats. James was so behaved, I was so proud of my little man. He even told me when he had to go potty. He fell asleep during the middle of Toy Story 2 but he has seen both of them so many times. The only differences were that they were at the theater and in 3D. He really enjoyed himself. So many people told him he was so cute because he was wearing his Woody costume...what can I say..he is my little masterpiece.


Sandra said...

Those are such cute pictures I love them...Good job James for being such a good boy I love your costume.and I am glad you all enjoyed the movies

Sandra said...

Those are such cute pictures I love them...Good job James for being such a good boy I love your costume.and I am glad you all enjoyed the movies