James turns 4 ♥


Thursday, July 16, 2009

My cup runneth over

I cant believe how fast James is growing. He is about to be 3 years old and it feels like just yesterday I found out I was pregnant. Time goes by so quickly and sometimes we forget that each day is precious. I know that I get in a rut and do my daily routine and it is just another day to me. But when I look back at all the time that has gone by and all the memories that have been made I realize that it should not be just another day. Life is so short and the older I get the more I realize that is the truth. I am so thankful and grateful that I have a husband that has been able to provide for our family. I have been so blessed to be able to stay home with my James and raise him. I will be the first to say that I do get bored being home but when I think about going back to work, my heart breaks. I cant imagine leaving my baby in someone else's care. I know that one day soon, he will have to start school and I am almost 100% sure that it will be as hard on him as it will be on me. We have been each others companion for 3 years now. He is so little but he truly is one of my best friends. My heart is so full of love that I cant help but feel it running thru my whole body. I want to see him grow to be a strong man just like his dad but I also want him to be compassionate and loving like me. I hope and pray that one day there is a women that will be lucky enough to have my James as her husband. I dont know why a lot of things happen and I am not sure if I ever really want the answer but for all the trials I have gone thru, I have learned one important lesson. I have learned that no matter what lies in your past, no matter what your are currently in and no matter what the future holds, good or bad, God is in control and he has a plan. Sometimes we may not like what is given to us but we have to accept it and walk in faith that God will be there beside us every step of the way. He will be there to catch us if we fall and help us up. He will be there to celebrate with us when we are joyful. He will be there to comfort us when are heart aches. He will be there...I have to walk in faith and be strong because one day my James will be a grown man and have a life of his own to live. He will no longer depend on me and that makes me sad. I promise that each day I will hug him and kiss him and tell him how very much he is loved, not only by me but by his dad, his grandparents, his aunts and uncles and his cousins. Who would have thought that this little boy would capture my heart so much. I never knew how much love a mother has for their children until I had James. Now I understand. My cup runneth over...

1 comment:

Sandra said...

That is so sweet it brought tears to my eyes and is so very true we went through alot to have my little Ayden and God does have a plan...Now I miss my girls lol they are in San Antonio with their aunt and cousin for the night....we need to get together soon