James turns 4 ♥


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Thank God it was just a dream...

James before he could stand....look at his hair!

Last night I had a dream that I was pregnant! I dreamed that I was HUGE and at the end of my pregnancy but I was worried because my belly hadn't dropped yet. Right as I was saying that, I started having contractions and within a couple of minutes, the baby came out! I was at home alone. I remember the baby crying and I wrapped HER in a sheet and put a hat on her. I called 911 then I woke up. Thank God that this was just a dream because I don't plan on having any more children. I am content with just my boy. I cant imagine having another baby but if I ever would (which I don't see happening) it would definitely be a surprise. What a relief!

another picture of him...I love my baby

1 comment:

Sandra said...

oh those nasty dreams lol