James turns 4 ♥


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

78 and still counting....

This is a little over due...but better late than never.
On September 8th was Joe's grandmother's 78th birthday! Joe, James and myself went over to visit and help with her celebration. My mother in law was there, a couple of Joe's aunts, uncles and cousins. We had cake, which was so good by the way, we listened to music and she even had a gentlemen come in and serenade her. James (of course) got the party started by dancing. (wonder where he got that from, mom) She is a strong lady and although she has some health issues, she is loved very much. I consider her my own grandmother since mine have both passed. I am honored to not only be part of her family but to have been in her presence. You look great Abuleita! Feliez Cumples Anos!!!

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